Sunday, May 3, 2009

Oh What a World.

Today is my 5th day in London.
In some ways I can't believe it's only been five days, and in other ways it's flying by.
I absolutely love the people I'm here with. I feel like I've known them forever. It's a really cool experience to be surrounded by people taking the same classes as you. A big group of us just finished reading "Twelfth Night" aloud for our Shakespeare class. Doing homework together makes it way more fun.
Let me do a little recap of the past few days.
Friday night a group of us went to the Young Single Adult stake dance here.
I didn't want to go, but I did and it was way fun. If you were wondering, British people listen to the same popular songs we do.
Yesterday we started the day by trying to go get theatre tickets...but that didn't happen because it was super crowded and super expensive. We've decided shows on weekdays are probably a better idea.
We then met up with our group at "The Monument" and started a "Shakespeare Walk" through Southwark. We saw some of the little places that inspired lots of Shakespeare's plays. The architecture here is so beautiful, I'm stunned by everything I see.
We then made our way to "Bourough Market." It was unlike anywhere I've ever been. It's an outdoor market and it was FULL of people and fresh food and flowers from fruit to ostrach meat hamburgers. I was able to try some fresh pasta, that was A-MA-ZING. We didn't have tons of time there, so I think I'm going to have to go back.
Then is was time for The Globe Theatre.
We were "groundlings" so we stood at the foot of the stage for the show. My feet hurt more than they've ever hurt before, but it was an awesome experience. The show was beautiful... and pretty much the hottest cast of Romeo and Juliet you've ever seen.
All in all it was a really fantastic day.

Today was our first Sunday here and traveling to the North London Ward was a little harder than we had expected. We took a few different tubes and everyting was going good until we got to our last bus stop and missed the bus.
We had a dilema...wait for the bus (which wasn't going to come until 10--when church started) or start walking.
So we walked.
And walked.
and walked.
40 minutes later we found the church, and what a happy sight that was.
Althogh the walk was long...and my legs were still sore from yesterday, it was a good experience.
I had some spiritual awakenings, and I'm so thankful to be a member of the church, and to live in a place where I can get in my car and easily drive 10 minutes or less to get to church.
I'm so blessed.
Church was woderful, the people are so kind and genourous and I was so humbled.
I was able to teach in the Nursery today and will be leading the music for the Primary children for the next six weeks.
I can not wait.

I can't wait to see what this week has in store for me--hopefully some Spring Awakening, Sondheim, and James Mcavoy--but we shall see.

I love London!


  1. Your writings just make me proud with joy and a few tears thrown in. I hope your feet and legs can get some rest in between. So glad you will be teaching primary children you enjoy that so much. Next week if you don't miss your bus, it will be easier on you. Have fun, get plenty of rest and know you are in all our thoughts day and night, prayers are with you my loving granddaughter. Love you, Grandma

  2. Hey B,

    So glad you're having an amazing time. Soak it all up, girl. The memories will last you a lifetime. Miss you!!!
    Love Always, Aunt Linda
    P.S. - still jealous!!!
