Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The London Temple

So this morning at 6:45 we headed out to the London LDS Temple.
It was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.
SO beautiful.
The experience at the temple was wonderful.
Truly perfect.
It was so neat to have such a wonderful spiritual experience with all the people from my group. They are all such beautiful people.
I went to the temple today in honor of Aunt Shirley, and it was so great to sit and think about her and remember the wonderful lady she was, and what an amazing family I have.
I love the Temples, they are truly the houses of the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful temple and so serene and peaceful all around it. When I saw Aunt Shirley's picture it brought back so many memories I cried tears of joy. That was when she got her lst place ribbon at the fair. She would be so proud of you. Thank you for remembering her. You are such a loving and caring young lady and I love you very much, thanks for taking me on this wonderful journey with you. Love you, Grandma
